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Parts Therapy

Parts Therapy is a NLP (Neuro linguistic Programming) that uses hypnosis to make fast powerful changes. Continue reading below for more information about Parts Therapy or click here to speak to Dr. Robert.

There is a well-regarded belief that our internal conflicts can produce negative results. For example, someone may say, “a part of me wants to get rid of this weight, while another part wants to keep on eating!” There are two parts of the personality at work, and a powerful treatment called “Parts Therapy” may be helpful.

“Parts Therapy” is a complex hypnosis technique that has enjoyed tremendous success rates. It has helped clients resolve inner conflicts.

WHAT Exactly is Parts Therapy?

Parts therapy can help to easily and quickly find causes of internal conflicts so that they can be addressed, released, with new thoughts taking their place.

WHEN to Use Parts Therapy

When a person experiences an internal conflict; when one part wants to have one outcome and another part desires an unhealthy alternative. This conflict may result from some common causes: overwork, unresolved personal or family problems, past programming, unresolved past experience, secondary gain (such as protection from opposite sex), authority imprint, self-punishment, etc.

HOW Come Parts Therapy is so Valuable?

It works much like “conflict resolution.” However, in this case, you are role-playing their “parts” and creating his or her own inner dialogue with the therapist remaining objective. It is crucial that the process be handled carefully with the client taking the lead rather than the hypnosis, parts therapist.

Robert Galarowicz ND
Hypnosis Parts Therapist
Paramus, Bergen County NJ
New Jersey

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