past life age regression therapist

Hypnosis For Love New Jersey New York Hypnosis Therapist

When we are angry, an aggression forms in our body and our mind becomes very active. We may even become confused and say something we didn’t mean to. Anger is an extension of fear and it reveals itself in order to protect us with an even stronger emotion than fear.

If anger is not satisfied, it will reduce our energy both physically and mentally. We may become weakened into boredom or even depression.

There may be a complacent or weakened feeling as we become void of energy, or start feeling sad for no apparent reason.

It is believed that the emotion of fear and anger can depleted energy from the body.

Let me give you this example.  Imagine you’ve just walked into an empty room, but as you step in a friend is hiding behind the door.  He jumps out, startling you. What’s your first reaction?

Probably to scream or jump. “What the heck…..”

Within seconds, you convert the fear into anger as you scream out to your friend not to ever do that again.  That was pretty mean, you shout.

How angry you are!

As soon as you expressed this anger, within moments another feeling takes over: remorse and guilt for yelling at your friend. You start thinking that your friend is really a good person, and they didn’t mean anything by it.  You know it was just a joke.  Now, you’re reproaching yourself for screaming at your friend.  You’re feeling terrible.  You see what your friend did as something trivial, and you’re hot under the collar and angry.      

This is just one everyday example of how of how fast fear, anger and depression or guilt can manifest itself within your mind.

Within seconds or minutes, we went through three very strong emotions. When we’re getting ready for work in the morning, driving through traffic, dealing with co-workers, and even getting home in the evenings can create fear.  Maybe you’re fearful of being late from being stuck in that traffic, and then you’re angry because you don’t want to be late.  You’re feeling a loss of control and that introduces more anger.  Maybe a co-worker is not holding up their end of the office duties. 

You get angry at them and later feel bad you did. Without us being aware of these experiences of life, we can create fear, anger and sadness almost on a continuous basis.

The example of the friend behind the door that jumped out at us is a great demonstration of how our shifting emotions can take over. First, we get fearful,  then we get angry to protect ourselves and retaliate in some way. 

Our body is being weakened by the energies by what we’ve coined the “flight or fight” syndrome.

Hypnosis For Love New Jersey New York Hypnosis Therapist

Back when we were cave people, if we didn’t like the neighbors next day, we’d either kill them or run.  If we came upon a saber toothed tiger, we either killed it or ran for our lives.  It was an innate survival mechanism that we still have inside us today.  But the thing is, we don’t need it.

In today’s world, we don’t have the everyday needs to either “fight” or take “flight.”  But the feelings exist nonetheless, and there’s no outlet for them.  They remain inside us, deteriorating and stressing our bodies and mind.  And eventually, our mental and physical system begins to be effected.

Is there a solution to this vicious cycle?  Of keeping unnecessary emotions bottled up?  Hurting ourselves and maybe even making us ill? 

Like the Beatles said, “All you need is love.”

The solution is to learn to feel love more often.

Because to experience love means we have no fear.  It cannot exist together.

What we’re saying is we can remove most fears by learning…to love?

And we do that through the use of hypnosis.

When you’re in the hypnotic state, there is calm, peace, clarity, and even a feeling of

love. Yes, that’s right. When we’re hypnotized, we feel loved!

Let’s go back into your memories and visit a time you felt loved…either by a parent, a best friend, a partner.  It really doesn’t matter exactly when, just that you remember feeling the love.

Now, remember when you were with that person, and what your body felt like in that state of “feeling loved.”  Did your body feel relaxed, energized, calm, vibrant, alive, healthy, young and more?

Most likely you felt some of these feelings. You might have felt a physical glow surrounding you.  Now, as you recall your body feeling loved, allow your mind to experience the feeling of love by paying attention to the bodily feelings. You may now feel so powerful that at this moment you could accomplish anything you set your mind to.  That there is nothing too big or too tough to withstand. Your mind, when feeling loved, has the ability to feel and know all there is to know. Nothing else is needed at this moment. Isn’t that a remarkable thing?

As you accumulate this in your mind notice how similar it feels to when you were under hypnosis.  When the hypnosis experience is completed, and you open your eyes, don’t you often feel a glow of inner peace?  It’s similar to feeling the glow and inner peace of love.

By feeling loved, will you feel as though you could have anything and everything you want..and be more confident!

Will this change your life? Will it upset everyone close to you? Maybe this is why it’s easier to remain in a state of fear.  It’s familiar.  Love creates major changes in your life because that confidence you feel allows you to move forward. The fear is gone. 

Remember, fears can inhibit or restrict you from what you want in life. Love never restricts you from anything.

Unconditional love will be your next goal. If you consistently practice hypnosis or self hypnosis to learn the feelings of love, eventually unconditional love can be yours!

Hypnosis For Love New Jersey New York Hypnosis Therapist